Any person, regardless of their national identity and religion, wants to be healthy and happy. Among Cosmoenergy supporters we can meet a lot of people with different religious commitment. A systematic method for the study and use of this Cosmoenergy for the purposes of healing has been and is being unearthed and updated. The methodology of Cosmoenergy does not work to heal separate areas of the human body, as does the clinically derived solution of a concrete problem: the person is treated as a single whole entity.
Cosmoenergy fields are boundless and inexhaustible and possess cleaning, medicinal and protective properties. It is a knowledge, which long ago was discovered by the wise men of our past. For ease of reference, these Universal Cosmoenergy fields have been named Cosmoenergy.
It is a systematic method for the study and use of this Cosmoenergy for the purpose of healing has been and is being unearthed and updated. It involves channeling the different frequencies of the Cosmoenergy through the healer and focusing it on the patient, with attention and respect to the patient’s various physical, mental or psychological illnesses, problems and difficulties. Thus, the approach and intended focus of the healer is on that of the whole person.
The channeled Cosmoenergies wash over and penetrate the patient, both the physical, the subtle and the consciousness of the patient – working towards gradual dissolving of negative qualities on every level a given problem inhabits.

If your regular life began as unbearable, if there was discomfort, anxiety, depression, nervous breakdowns, and so on.
If, patience bursts, strange thoughts arise, and out of your mouth sound profanity, hysteria scents, heightened feelings of guilt and resentment, confused thoughts, actions are not always logical, already tried all the ways to stop the deterioration of material well-being — then it's classified knowingly got into your hands.
This method to cope with the restoration of the disturbed state activates the internal resources and capabilities quickly and easily! Knowledge obtained at the seminar will enable you to work with each other and with those of similar fates.
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